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Just Who is Salty dancing with?

Australias Got Talent Finalist Shows His Moves in Majestic Video

“Salty Rain”, otherwise known as Tommy Franklin dances on the beach in Australia.  He was a finalist in Australia’s Got Talent for his unique dance routine .  However here he has teamed up with some very unusual dancing partners.

Did you guess it?  –  Amazingly his dancing partners are a grumble* of Rescued Pugs !

This has great footage of pugs really enjoying themselves on a wonderful sandy beach in Australia.  Just think where they would have been in not rescued.  Probably one of the notorious  puppy farms where they are forced to have litter after litter until they are unprofitable or die.

With thanks to  Pugs SOS !

* Grumble  =  A group or pack of Pugs.