If you have not heard of actor Kevin Broccoli before , remember the name. He says that he was originally inspired by a Potato Salad ( Figure that one out ) and now plans to stage Hamlet with Pug actors playing the characters ( not sure if he would use a Pug skull !). The lines will be read by humans but the pugs will take the stage.
Kevin figures on condensing the production so it will last under an hour. Pug-let has already enjoyed far more publicity than a human only show . Scheduled for production next September plans are also in progress to film the performance.
Pug owners everywhere are now considering whether their Pug may have a future on the stage. We have always known of their comic talents but perhaps now they are ready to display the more serious side of their nature . It is just a matter of time before we may see Pugs acting out your favourite Shakespearian characters such as Lady Macbeth, Romeo & Juliette , Falstaff and King Lear !
“Shakespeare’s Hamlet will soon be performed the way it was always meant to be — with pugs, thanks to one enterprising man and 196 generous backers.”
“Aside from a few, mostly unsuccessful attempts to reach out to celebrities on Twitter, Broccoli didn’t promote Pug-let all that much.
He still got some media attention. In an interview with Mashable last month, Broccoli joked that he wanted James Earl Jones to join the cast. The Mashable story was picked up by other outlets like Good Morning America, who took his jokes seriously.”
Fortunately Kevin just managed, at the last moment, to get the necessary funding for Puglet and plans to donate any profits to charity.