Pug playing flute
This is a video of a pug playing the flute.
This video is of Pug playing flute. The song being played is “Stole the show” by kygomusic. This is an extremely catchy tune that will stay in your mind for hours to come even thought this video and of course music is only a few seconds long. The video had been put together well. The Pug with the mauve hat really draws your attention and constrasts against the very peaceful background of green vegetation .
The pug playing flute has his mouth on the mouth piece known as the embouchure hole piece; which must have taken some doing including patience! The flute is constantly being moved by someone out of the camera shot as the pug moves, which also gives the impression of the pug dancing along to the music. The video is cleverly edited, in very small chunks of video put together. ( I wonder the producer put something that the pug likes on the mouth piece of the flute to entice the pug to put his mouth there and of course lick it.)
During the video the pug playing flute put his paws gently on the keys of the flute patting them up and down giving the impression that he knows how to operate the keys. ( Perhaps he does !) The pug is then on his back holding the flute on top of his right front leg and under the paw as if he is actually holding the flute, which again is very clever. He then is sitting licking his mouth piece which I presume has something tasty on it, before the next clip of him laying on his back again with the flute over both paws have a well earned rest.
An interesting video with the pug performing plenty of rolls while holding the flute.. See what you decide. Can he really play the flute?
A video posted by Doug the Pug (@itsdougthepug) on Jul 1, 2015 at 6:02pm PDT
The song being played is “Stole the show” by kygomusic
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About The Author
Alan Kerr
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